How it works

Performance Bonus

Each year, you are eligible to receive a Performance Bonus that automatically adds paid-up” insurance coverage to your policy. This increases the death benefit and cash value at no additional cost above the premiums due for the basic coverage.

How the Performance Bonus is calculated

The Performance Bonus is calculated on each policy anniversary using a Performance Bonus Rate that’s declared annually. This Performance Bonus Rate can change from year-to-year but will never be negative.

The Guaranteed Cash Value is stated in your policy contract and the Additional Payment Balance depends on the amount of the Additional Payments you’ve decided to make.

Performance Backed by Expertise

Discover how the Performance Bonus works by watching this short video.

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BMO Insurance Whole Life - An Actuarial Perspective

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All BMO Insurance Whole Life policyowners are eligible to receive a Performance Bonus every 12 months from the date that their policy was issued (also known as a policy anniversary”).

Factors that don’t impact the Performance Bonus

Unlike other plans available in the marketplace, the Bonus does not depend on how many claims we pay, expenses we incur or lapses we experience (i.e. the number of people that cash-in their policies). These factors are already accounted for and are guaranteed not to impact the Performance Bonus that you’re eligible to receive.